How Long Will a Peace Lily Live?

It’s impossible to anticipate how long somebody will live– even if that a person is a plant. You can, nevertheless, say with some assurance whether or not a plant is likely to linger enough time to return your investment in it. Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum sp.) are valued for their pleasing appearance, convenience of growth and for their capacity to clean the air.

A peace lilly will survive on average between from three to 5 years. This is not to say some could last longer. It depends on many factors. While a super hardy plant, giving it the care and attention it needs will indeed lengthen the time you will have with your plant.

How Long Will a Peace Lily Live?

Healthy And Balanced Peace Lily Plants Live Longest

The much better you care for your peace lily plant, the longer it will certainly live beyond the ordinary span. Peace lilies are native to subtropical and also tropical areas and also, thus, require heat as well as humidity to thrive. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness areas 11 and 12 just, they are often grown as interior plants. Water when the top of the soil feels completely dry to the touch, however do not let it dry out way too much, as this will cause the fallen leaves to yellow as well as wilt. Dirt that is maintained a little wet is optimal.

Peace lilies will certainly endure also hefty shade, yet they possibly will not grow much. If you want the plant to produce its unique white bracts, place it where it will receive brilliant however indirect sunshine, such as a north-facing home window or in the filteringed system shade of a tree. Maintain it cozy– the plant does not endure temperatures listed below 50 levels Fahrenheit quite possibly, and temperatures below 40 degrees will likely kill its roots.

You get back what you put into this peace lily relationship

Look after your peace lily correctly, and it could end up extending your lifespan– or at least, making your residence a much healthier place to live. Peace lilies filter specific contaminants from the air– specifically, formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. This, plus their simplicity of care, makes peace lilies an excellent choice to improve any type of interior space, consisting of a workplace.

The problem with bugs and pests

This plant is widely known for being reasonably problem-free, yet no plant is best. If something is mosting likely to kill your peace lily prior to it reaches a ripe aging, it will likely be a stem or root-rot diseases, and also these come from overwatering the plant. Ensure potted plants have openings to enable the water to openly drain pipes out, and also never water a lot that the dirt is soaked.

Too much plant food can also reduce the life-span of your peace lily. Withstand need to offer your plant a full dose of food. Instead, feed your peace lily with a well balanced 20-20-20 houseplant plant food when a month from springtime through summertime, yet only at one-half or one-quarter of the suggested dosage. As an example, if the recommended dosage is 1 tsp per quart of water, decrease that to 1/2 tsp rather.

For peace lilies grown indoors, usual houseplant parasites such as mealybugs or termites can likewise come to be a problem. Avoidance is the most effective cure– just wipe down the wide fallen leaves every once in a while with a wet towel to remove the dirt that can attract these bugs. If you do discover a population of bugs, knock them off the plant with a solid stream of water.

Tips to help your peace lily live longer.

  • Maintain the soil moist, yet do not overwater. Peace lilies can endure short durations of dry dirt, however their leaves will begin to brownish if ignored for as well lengthy.
  • Peace lilies are sensitive to chemicals commonly located in faucet water, such as fluoride, which might cause brown leaf pointers. Use filteringed system, room-temperature water, ideally.
  • Peace lilies appreciate high humidity. Misting their leaves or positioning their pot atop a moistened tray of crushed rock can aid to increase moisture.
  • Peace lilies are not heavy feeders, so fertilize just periodically. To motivate spring as well as summer season development, feed every 6 weeks approximately with a well balanced houseplant plant food beginning in late winter months.
  • Peace lilies are an exotic plant, so maintain them in temperature levels over 60 ° F( 16 ° C )and far from chilly, drafty windows. They do best in temperature levels upwards of 70 ° F (21 ° C).
  • Keep these plants out of direct mid-day sunlight, but in a well-lit location. An east-facing home window is excellent, as they will be exposed to the heat of the morning sunlight yet prevent the strength of mid-day rays.
  • Peace Lily plant

How to help get those beautiful white flowers blossoming – will help with aging

  • Usually, if no blossoms are showing up, the plant is not obtaining sufficient light. Peace lilies are very forgiving of low light, but low light does not mean no light! To motivate flowering, move the plant to a brighter area, where it will certainly obtain brilliant, indirect light.
  • Green blossoms, weak-looking blossoms, or a general lack of flowers can be brought on by inappropriate feeding. When it comes to environment-friendly blossoms, cut down on feeding. When it comes to weak-looking blossoms or an absence of blossoms, attempt switching over to a fertilizer made for blooming plants. This type of plant food will have a higher amount of phosphorous, which plants require for blooming.